SL Case Studies
Learn more about SL Franchise Group‘s process of franchise system development by delving deep into the stories of some of our most successful clients.
Learn the Stories of How Franchises are Made
Get the details on how SL Franchise Group has helped businesses develop franchise startups, and restructure and reposition existing franchise systems.

In January of 2016 Pokéworks had a single successful 800 square foot location in Midtown Manhattan that they felt could be franchised. In April of 2016 they turned to SL Franchise Group for our full complement of services including new franchise development documentation, operations management, franchisee training, franchisee financing, franchise growth strategy and franchise sales.
In June 2018, the $1.6 billion publicly traded Japan-based restaurant operator Toridoll Holdings Corporation announced they had invested $18 million for a 40% stake in the chain.
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